What to Wear Sailing?

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When you go out sailing in the morning wearing one set of clothes, you might return in the afternoon wearing a completely different set of clothes. That is how unpredictable the weather can be on an average day out on the sea, and you might just misjudge the weather.

It is a wise thing to be prepared for hot weather, and for when the cold comes to catch you unexpectedly. We will take a look at what to wear when going out sailing in hot and cold weather and even if the cold does not come.

Keep on reading if you want to know how to be prepared and still look good after a day out on the sea.

Fabric to Wear When Sailing

Wear clothes that are made from durable materials if you do not want tears in your favorite clothes. There are many places on a boat where your clothes can get caught, so to prevent tears in your clothes, wear durable fabric.

Clothes made from durable fabric are available for cold weather as well as hot weather, so you can be safe in all weather. You should also take care not to wear clothing that has loose ends that can easily be caught in the nooks and crannies on a boat.

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Colors to Wear

It is not wise to go sailing in light colors, especially not in white; you may regret it when you step on the boat. There is dust and oil on boats where you may least expect it, and just a brush with it will show on your light clothing.

It is preferable to wear darker clothing like khaki if you still prefer milder colors. And also think about your life jacket’s color. If you want to look good after a day out on the sea, wear the colors that will compliment the color of the life jacket.

This suggestion is for all people going out on the sea for sailing, even those who are not doing the actual sailing. But if it is you who are going to do the sailing you should always wear darker but still visible colors.

Essential Clothes for Sailing

We start with the most essential piece of garment you are going to need when you go out sailing, and that is the life jacket. The second piece you cannot go without is a raincoat for when it starts to rain while you are out there.

For sailing, you need wind, and where there is wind, you will feel a bit cold, and to be wet and cold is not ideal. Waterproof trousers are also one of the essential pieces you will need, and a good idea is to bring a rain suit.

Cold Weather Clothes for Sailing

When packing clothes for sailing, make sure you bring a t-shirt and a long sleeve top for the bottom or base layers. Then you can add a light fleece top. This top should be breathable while still keeping you warm.

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Lastly, you would add a windproof raincoat over all those clothes to make sure you are not just warm but also stay dry in the cold. waterproof trousers will be a great addition to the top part of your clothing over a pair of training tights.

For your feet, you should wear lightweight but durable shoes that will dry quickly if they get wet so that they protect your feet. A good idea will be trainers made for sailing from strong, lightweight, and durable materials that will provide ample protection for your feet.


A pair of nice warm waterproof gloves will also be a great addition to round off your outfit in the cold weather.

Warm Weather Clothes for Sailing

When the sun comes out, you will want to have as little clothing as possible but you still need some type of protection from the sun. A light shirt that covers your upper arms and the rest of your upper body to protect against UV rays would be ideal.


Shorts are ideal for getting that nice tan while sailing the seas. But do not forget to bring a hat to protect your head from the sun, preferably one with a chin strap.

If your hat does not have a chin strap to keep it secure on your head, you will lose it to the sudden winds.


Sunglasses are also an essential piece of gear to have at your disposal for when the sun comes out brightly over the ocean. Also crucial is something to protect your skin from the sun, like a sunblock that has lots of UV protection.


As you can see, it is imperative to come prepared when you come aboard for a day or two out on the open seas. Also do not forget that you will need something to relax in when you go on land after a day of sailing.

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